Sorry, we’re out of anti vegan meat emoji shirts.
However, if you’d like to support a good cause regardless, why not donate to an animal sanctuary instead? Here are a few that I am good friends with, but there are countless others that could use your help.
KINDRED SPIRITS CARE FARM - A sanctuary on a USDA high school campus that teaches students how to care for animals and grow their own food. Karen - the founder is a dedicated visionary who will stop at nothing to give the animals she cares for the best life possible.
VIVA GLOBAL RESCUE - Viva’s primary mission is to rehabilitate neglected and abused horses, however they are so open and helpful when it comes to any animal emergency. They have an emergency hotline, and they have personally helped me multiple times when I came across neglected animals.
ROWDY GIRL SANCTUARY - Today Rowdy Girl is a sanctuary, but they were once a cattle ranch. Renee, after seeing her husband Tommy sell calves again and again for profit, realized it was wrong and transformed the operation into a safe haven for animals.